About Me
I am finishing up my A.A. in English Education, I would like to be an English Teacher because I think that the earlier people are turned on to great books the better off they will be and I also believe that everyone can be a voracious reader, they just have not met the right book yet. I plan to introduce my students to their right book… even if it is a Comic Book… or Romance…or the increasingly popular Vampire novels… or whatever. I hope each of my students will leave my class as daily readers in the genre they choose. Lofty goals, I know… but hey, right now I am a student and can afford to be idealistic.
I live on a small farm in North Florida with my handsome ;) husband and three awesome kids who keep me sane and grounded when they are not driving me insane. Any one with kids knows how that works. When we are not chasing goats, deer, or our horse out of our garden, I am avoiding our pond because another gator has decided to visit on his way between the many swamps and creeks surrounding us. Between the snakes, spiders, and raccoons all I can say is my husband is lucky I was raised a southern bell, because if I were not used to all these critters, they would have long ago run me off!
I have written one novel: “Green Light”. A short novella “Sunset Sentinel”. And I am a quarter through a YA novel; “Slip”. I will post news on my books, and work as it breaks.
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