I just finished "Switched" by Amanda Hocking. As soon as I can I will be reading the next book in the trilogy. Maybe even tonight if I get my own writing, schoolwork, and housework done. The premise hooked me, it was well written, and the end left me hanging which I love as long as there is a part two to fall into. If your a fan of Young Adult Fantasy or if you want to try it out for the first time Amanda Hocking's work is not a bad place to start. (Link to her Amazon page will be attached at end of post.) Also about reading on my computer, once I was into the story it would have made no difference where it was written. I had to trouble reading a novel on the computer. If you don't have a Kindle, Amazon provided a free easy to download Kindle app. I plan on getting a Kindle soon because although I did not have trouble with the actual reading of the story on the computer, I would have liked to sit more comfortably than my office chair allows, and I also would like to be able to take it with me when I leave the desk. I am now a fan girl of Amanda Hocking, and the process of buying a book on Amazon was surprisingly simple. http://www.amazon.com/Amanda-Hocking/e/B003H4L762


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