
Showing posts from April, 2011
Today my husband and children built a TePee. It took half the day, but it is very sturdy, roomy, and the kids think it is beyond Cool  :) View from inside out the front door to the pond. After the  leaves on the trees they used to weave it together die they are going to weave palm fronds into the sides, then it will be rain proof and look even cooler. Will post pics when that part is complete. Meanwhile the kids love that it is camouflaged into the background of trees. I think they are all kinda cool for thinking of it, and spending the day making it happen.
 Feel Free to Subscribe and/or follow. Done with school till fall. This is good thing. It is ironic that I am going to school because I love reading and writing and want to improve those skills to become an author and teacher, yet I have zero time for reading or writing anything outside of assignments. I am looking forward to a selfish summer of reading what interests me, and finishing up 'Slip'.
I am a Freakin Rain forest! I just read this,  and I am completely amazed (it don't usually take much). To sum up what it says if your to lazy to click: our bodies (guts) host one of three types of bacterial ecosystems. These bacterial ecosystems are different from each other and and one day can be used to differentiate between types of people the same way blood types do. So I have a bacteria type and a blood type. I am the Amazon! :) What is really fasinating is that the scientist have not found a link between race or sex or age and the bacteria in a gut. So it is not like you just pick up the same bacteria that your family has. So many implications... read the article :)
Feel Free to Follow My Blog!  Also, all comments welcome.
Guest Post By Carla Renae. In the style of A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift.  The original "A Modest Proposal" was written in 1729 by Jonathan Swift, it proposed cannibalism to prevent the starvation and death of millions, but the true proposal he was asking for was in the conclusion about what people should not approach him about. One of my final papers for school is to write my own proposal and how it would work with my true suggested proposals at the end. Please read this and tell me what you think. :) An Imitation of “A Modest Proposal” For the reduction of Murders, Political Corruption, Drug wars and expense of drug related crimes and to produce additional taxes. It is a sad day when one considers the number of drug offenders incarcerated in the United States. We spend approximately $15 billion a year on anti-drug campaigns, incarcerating offenders and cleaning up demolition created by drug wars. There are many advantages to legalizing drugs in the United Sta...
Today on... facebook I read the word 'buddy' in place of 'but he'.  This shocked me more than a little. Then I wondered, if the people who make glaring errors on their posts would be writing at all?  Is facebook ensuring that people who would get zero writing practice after high school get at least a little? Maybe it is a good thing. At least he was trying. :/
So Katie says to me; "Mom why do boys think girls are beautiful?" I reply: "I guess the same reason girls think boys are handsome." Katie: "To bad me and my brothers have the same 'blood vessels' or we could get married," as she inspects the faint blue lines on her arms... I have not decided what to make of that one yet.