I just watched "Legend" with the kids. It had a pg rating and the description was "elves and a woodland boy save princess and unicorn from a land of darkness". Seems okay for kids right? Not so much... seesh what were the standards for pg rating in 1984? I am not saying it should be R but at least pg 13... Cannabilism... demons in hell... and Tom Cruise in daisy dukes... come on. These thing need to be rerated! Although I must admit I enjoyed it, I am not so sure about the kid friendlyness.

Muse It Up Publishing
Wow... Just Wow. I submitted a manuscript to a publishing company about a month ago and received the rejection today. Rejections are par for the course in this business, quite expected really, but they gave me specific reasons for the rejection and invited me to resubmit after changing things for the better in the manuscript. This is unheard of in the publishing world. I will be busy making the changes in the next few weeks before I start school so I can resubmit with Muse It Up publishing.
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