Okay. So I was a bit hesitant to do a book review because who am I do judge another writer? Well I will tell you, I am the READER. I am not comparing my writing to the reviews, I am writing about my thoughts as I read someone elses work, just an honest opinion. Stephen King's "Under The Dome" was the last book that I picked up so I figured it is the freshest in my mind. Let me tell you about me and Mr. King; when I was 12 I read The Stand... and fell in love. He was edgy and smart, he wrote real people, and ugly honest portrayals. This is how I felt then. So I read Carrie, The Night Shift, Salem's Lot, The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordan, Desperation, The Green Mile, and many others.The Dark Tower Series was given to me as a gift from the man who would become my husband. I thought I was hooked for a long life of loving and reading his work. However by the time I got about half way through the Dark Tower Series I was overloaded. I could not read another word. I set the...
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