Why am I up at 2:30 in the morning? Well I don't know. Since I am up why am I not writing? I don't know that either, I am studying up on stuff though. I guess I am eager to start on a new project tomorrow morning. I am collaborating with another writer and I will not get credit for the work, but I will get paid to write, and if I am going to write anyways getting paid would be nice. Yep. That is about it at two a.m.
Muse It Up Publishing
Wow... Just Wow. I submitted a manuscript to a publishing company about a month ago and received the rejection today. Rejections are par for the course in this business, quite expected really, but they gave me specific reasons for the rejection and invited me to resubmit after changing things for the better in the manuscript. This is unheard of in the publishing world. I will be busy making the changes in the next few weeks before I start school so I can resubmit with Muse It Up publishing.
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